Emploi CPA is the exclusive recruitment site of 46,000 CPAs and future CPAs in Quebec, which makes it your partner for recruiting professionals for accounting, finance and management positions. Just knowing that you will only receive applications from qualified candidates makes the recruitment process much more effective and saves you time and money!
Increase the impact of your recruitment efforts, raise awareness and save big with our various posting and visibility options that are tailored to your needs.

Single posting
To post a job, start by creating an account.
30-day posting
Your logo visible on the job board
Job alerts sent by email
Posting packages
Posting packages include all the benefits of single postings and save you money too.
No expiry date
Combinable posting credits
Usable by all resource persons registered in the same account
Visibility options
Your job posting prominently featured on the job board for a period of 5 days.
See an example >Combine the Featured Offer and Visibility + options and enjoy a $50 discount.
*Prices do not include taxes and are subject to change without notice.